Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Watch Kai grow with us!

Greetings beloved friends and family!  We finally got on the band wagon and started Kai his own blog.  Click to follow his journey through babyhood and beyond.

Baby dreams

Day One. 

Still sleeping...

Oma and her little Rupurl.

Sleep?  No, but he's sooo cute!

Proud Grandmas

Look what we found!

Best Buds

Nice cheeks!

My Angel

This is the life!  Snuggly baby, cuddly cat, red pants, red wine and meatball!
What could ever compete?

Still sleeping...

Little Big Foot

First smiles.

Bath time fun.

Attack of the Killer Hands!

Uncle Jeremy loves me.


My little Gnome.

Just after a Mira massage.

First night of bar hopping.

First bonfire




Rubber Ducky...

You're the one


That's what I'm tellin' you.

Our little elf.

Daddy's angel

My little friend

I love my Grammie!


Fun in Brookfield

I just discovered my toes!

tee hee


Venturing outside in early spring.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Love my sweet little nephew! So excited to follow along so I can see him grow, sadly from afar!
