Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I'm so big!

I am changing so fast! I have just started reaching out and grabbing for the things that I want. This includes not only my toys, but my parent's hair, daddy's beard and chest hair and kitty tails! It is so fun! I can even coordinate holding long toys like my giraffe by the legs and getting the head into my mouth. You can see in my picture that I am practicing using my red spoon.

Today I realized that my kitties are real living creatures who roam around and interact with me, not just fuzzy tails in my face. The jury is still out on whether I like them or not, but they do have cool eyes and long fluffy tails.

I am trying really hard to roll from my back to my tummy, but I've only gotten there once. I am an old pro at rolling tummy to back. That is unless I'm tired. Then I just get mad.

A couple of times this week I sat up all by myself for about 5 seconds at a time. My balance is getting better an better.

Lately my tummy has been feeling so much happier. I still have reflux, but it doesn't burn anymore since I've been taking my yummy medicine. I even enjoy nursing most of the time. :o)
Sometimes I fall asleep at the breast and now and then I even goof off! Mommy doesn't mind. She's just happy I'm not crying. Well see how long that lasts. She does seem to get pretty upset when I use her as a teething chew.

Did I mention I'm teething too? Not so fun.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures. He's changing so fast. I bet his ptosis is going to result in him having great posture. Can't wait to see him in July
